Thursday 17 July 2008

Babas, paluegos y grandes incendios

We went to London by bus.
During the trip we slept and listened to music.

Once in London we had a tour with a very special guide who likes to splitting all the city (the lengend tells that she finished with the great Fire of London)
She told us about the Great Fire of London wich started in 1666 and about the plague started because of all the rubbish the people left on the streets.

We were very hungry so we decided to have lunch near the river.
We ate a horrible sandwich and an ice-cream we had to buy there.

Then, we went to the HMS Belfast, where we get lost and we had to walk all over the ship. The ship smelt very bad and a boy get trapped in a door therefore we had to wait to him.

Finally, we came back to Queenwood.

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