Thursday 24 July 2008

Blue Death: the true history

Blue Death is a very good superhero. He can swim very fast and he has a knife. His worst enemy is Stupid Guy with a Parrot but they are brothers.

He became a hero because a radiactive fish bit him.His best friend is a sad bat because he can speak with blue bats.

In the past he was a bussiness man but he had problems with his boss and now he want to kill him. He lives alone in a cave, under a cliff. He eats fishes and stones in his cave situated under a bidge.

He protects people from dangers like cannibal people, pirates and gigant ants. To do all of this he uses his water powers such as spit big amounts of saliba.

His most terrible enemy is Stupid Guy with a Parrot. They are brothers, but they hate each other a lot. All Began when they were 8 years old and Stupid Guy with a Parrot killed Blue Death's girlfriend nailing an axe in her head. Blue Death had his revenge when he burnt Stupid Guy with a Parrot's baseball stickers collection.

1 comment:

michelle-andrelle said...

Os quierooo un montonazoOoOooOoOo