Thursday 10 July 2008

Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso (London)


Today we have to speak about cinema and the excursion...
First, the cinema was very bad because the bus was full of people and we couldn't go.
We had to stay here in the computers rooms on our network called tuentissss.
Finally we played with cards with Teresa and Virginia (and Oliver).


Bad weather
Bad food
Good experience xD

We visited the most scary part of London...
With the hairless man we visited some churches but he had a "paluego"(forlater).
The armours were very strange.
The sandwiches were made of exotic animals(like cachimba) killed by a crazy gardener.
The circular stair makes me crazy :P
It was raining all the day, so we all come back wet and tired.
Emi: And I lose my new shoes.

And remember:




Soy heavy!!!
cucuru shurucu nana ueruu!!

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