Thursday 24 July 2008

Blue Death: the true history

Blue Death is a very good superhero. He can swim very fast and he has a knife. His worst enemy is Stupid Guy with a Parrot but they are brothers.

He became a hero because a radiactive fish bit him.His best friend is a sad bat because he can speak with blue bats.

In the past he was a bussiness man but he had problems with his boss and now he want to kill him. He lives alone in a cave, under a cliff. He eats fishes and stones in his cave situated under a bidge.

He protects people from dangers like cannibal people, pirates and gigant ants. To do all of this he uses his water powers such as spit big amounts of saliba.

His most terrible enemy is Stupid Guy with a Parrot. They are brothers, but they hate each other a lot. All Began when they were 8 years old and Stupid Guy with a Parrot killed Blue Death's girlfriend nailing an axe in her head. Blue Death had his revenge when he burnt Stupid Guy with a Parrot's baseball stickers collection.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Diego Velazquez was a good man

Diego Velazquez

He was born in Sevilla in 1599 and he died in 1660
He was a very important artist in Spain. Velázquez went to Madrid in the first half of April 1622. He was the favorite artist of King Philip IV. With this king he started doing his best paintings. He traveled to Italy twice.
In the nineteenth century, Velázquez's artwork was a model for the realist and impressionist painters, in particular Edouard Manet. Since that time, more modern artists have paid tribute to Velázquez by recreating several of his most famous works.
The title of this picture is Las Meninas. It’s a nice picture about the king, the quuen and his daughters.

Monday 21 July 2008

Call me Flo

This weekend we went to Madame Tussauds Museum.
We took photos with Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix...

but all of them are dead.

There was a Horror&Screaming part in the museum.

In this part were real people who try to afraid us.

One of our friend punched one of them.
Florian Conelly
Rest in Peace
but with martita...

Thursday 17 July 2008

Babas, paluegos y grandes incendios

We went to London by bus.
During the trip we slept and listened to music.

Once in London we had a tour with a very special guide who likes to splitting all the city (the lengend tells that she finished with the great Fire of London)
She told us about the Great Fire of London wich started in 1666 and about the plague started because of all the rubbish the people left on the streets.

We were very hungry so we decided to have lunch near the river.
We ate a horrible sandwich and an ice-cream we had to buy there.

Then, we went to the HMS Belfast, where we get lost and we had to walk all over the ship. The ship smelt very bad and a boy get trapped in a door therefore we had to wait to him.

Finally, we came back to Queenwood.

Monday 14 July 2008



During the morning we went to classes as usual. In the evening we went to the Assembly and I performed with the drama class, the performance was about zombies. There were also awards for the pupils, but it was boringggggggg...


On Saturday we could wake up later. After breakfast we went to Cambridge, we went shopping and we ate in McDonalds. After we returned we had the disco, it was nice and all the people were there.


We had bacon, eggs and sausages for breakfast. We spend all the day doing activities like softball, swimming, football, but all of them were boring so in most of them I decided to stay sitting on the grass doing nothing, it was the best part of the day. In my free time I did absolutely nothing, so it was great.

Mula puta, Conan matute y demas mierdas diversas

Emi's point of view!

Our post about weekend:


It was a normal day except for the assambly.

We took our clases as a normal day but after, in the workshop we practised our performance. It was about zombies.

We repeated it more than 20 times and it was getting bored but finally it was very short and we enjoy (more less) the performance.


On saturday we went to Cambridge.

I had been in Cambridge last year but this time was better because we were more people. I didn't buy a lot of things, only a Cambridge university jumper.

We went to McDonalds to eat but it was full of people so we ate the food that they give us (sandwich, chips, an apple and a kit-kat...)

We returned at 3 and we started preparing the clothes that we were going to wear in the disco.

The 50% of the people was dancing but I didn't... I was with my friends speaking.

Anyway we finished the party very tired.


We had to choose if we wanted to stay in Queenswood or went to (...) park.

I chose stay there and we had to do 3 activities but...

...we hadn't done anything... muajajaja

Thursday 10 July 2008

Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso (London)


Today we have to speak about cinema and the excursion...
First, the cinema was very bad because the bus was full of people and we couldn't go.
We had to stay here in the computers rooms on our network called tuentissss.
Finally we played with cards with Teresa and Virginia (and Oliver).


Bad weather
Bad food
Good experience xD

We visited the most scary part of London...
With the hairless man we visited some churches but he had a "paluego"(forlater).
The armours were very strange.
The sandwiches were made of exotic animals(like cachimba) killed by a crazy gardener.
The circular stair makes me crazy :P
It was raining all the day, so we all come back wet and tired.
Emi: And I lose my new shoes.

And remember:




Soy heavy!!!
cucuru shurucu nana ueruu!!

Tuesday 8 July 2008


Our second day in queenswood and the weather is bad... someone has kidnaped us and they have kick us on the mouth and they broke my favourite tooth ("Taipei"). They give us nothing to eat but "ojos de burra rebentados" (donkey's splashed eyes).

Please help us sending 1,000,000£ to the following adress:

C/Gran Via de Hortaleza (you can choose the number)

Bring the money in a bag and leave it in a rubbish.

Monday 7 July 2008

Hey! diego! maldito hijo de puta! que marcha me llevas, artista?

We are in queenswood and we have to "speak in english" but we promise good news in our language when we return back to spain... spain...


hemelemeleh go, leh go, hello!